Sunday, April 25, 2010

There are no words

Good morning (Saturday morning) from Caroline at my "host dad's" desk at his office. By the way - it is appropriate to call somebody your "host dad" when he's three years younger than you???

Anyway, yesterday was the most incredible day!

Our day began with a good fun meeting with the Route 66 Rotary Club - complete with Sargeant-at-arms dressed as a biker in honour of this weekend's Harley-Davidson event in Kingman. Thanks to all the members of the Club for being a great audience :).

Then Larry drove and Mary Kay accompanied us on a great adventure. First stop, the Route 66 Museum where we met with Joshua, who works for the Chamber of Commerce. We owe much gratitude to Joshua -

First, because he introduced us to members of the Route 66 Association and we made a great connection with the most famous touring route in the world. [Penny, Nick and all my KAW colleagues - I took notes and got some good info to tell you about.]

THEN, Joshua also organised for us the Best Day! We all travelled up to the West Rim of Grand Canyon to spend the day with a most amazing man, Wilfred Whatoname [pronounced Wha-TON-a-meh] who is the son of the Chief of the Hualapi tribe. We were invited to experience the Skywalk. Hoo hah. Some of us never thought we would do it... Sarah in particular conquered a great fear by walking on a glass floor 4,000 feet above the canyon floor. Mary Kay also was extremely brave, bouyed up by the strength of Wilfred who held her hand. Meanwhile, Larry jumped up and down a lot and freaked us all out...

We came back to a lovely reception with the Club at Nate's gorgeous home. Everybody here is so kind and friendly.

I have to go now as we are helping Rotary on a works project in Kingman. I just want to say a huge thank you to Joshua for setting it up, Larry for driving, Mary Kay for joining us, and especially Wilfred and the other members of the Hualapi who were beautiful and welcoming. When Wilfred blessed us at the end of our day and taught us how to greet one another with a handshake that enables you to feel the heartbeat of your friend, we were rendered unable to speak for emotion and gratitude. Sorry that this description is inadequate - there just are no words.


  1. Hi Caroline, I'm jealous of you all, is it too late to join in???

  2. By coincidence we received an email showing the Grand Canyon skywalk. It looked amazing, well done to Sarah for conquering her fear of heights. I am sure it will be something she will remember for the rest of her life.
    We had a phone call from Sally a few minutes ago, having such a great time, wonderful hospitality from the Arizonan teams and appreciating the support of all her fellow Aussies.
    it is Anzac day here today, just watching the Sydney march on TV and thinking of you all xx love to you all Joh
