Monday, April 26, 2010

WORK!! - isn't that a 4 letter word?

As indicated from Caroline's last missive we were to have a day of working with the Rout 66 Rotary Club on some maintenance at Recreation Area 3 in Hualapai Mountain Park (about a mile from where I'm staying with Larry and Terri Thornton).

We all fronted there around 9-9.30 (with the exception of Caroline who was a bit later due to her host having to unexpectedly go to work). The girls were set the task of washing down the bathroom walls of a hut at the site prior to painting and then set about painting it. I set off to dig some holes for the horseshoe pits (and beautiful holes they were to - except somebody kept filling them in with sand!).

Around 11.30 Larry Lewis suggested that we needed another cultural experience and offered to take us in to Kingman to see what was happening with the Harley Davidson event in town. I agreed that this was an opportunity to good to miss so we left the Route 66 team to their devices and headed down the mountain. We dropped in to Larry's place (magnificent) so that he could pick up his Harley and his wife, Cindy, drove us in to town.

I have never seen so many Harley's in one place! I'd hate to think of the total value of the bikes that were there but ther were thousands - and all gleaming (they do love their bikes!). After having a good wander around the bikes and the Harley shop Larry and Cindy took us off for another US experience to have lunch at the local Cracker Barrel Restaurant. There was a shop attached to this eatery and Caroline managed to find another cookbook (your in for a taste sensation when she gets home Scott!)

We went back to the Harley show to see if Larry had won the raffle (another Harley) but he was unsuccessful. Heading back up the mountain we checked out the work of the Rotary team (they achieved so much in the day - about 40 from the Club plus support for Bull Head Rotarians - and were just cleaning up and settling in to a BBQ when we arrived. We needed more food like a hole in the head but sat around talking with our hosts and others until we all headed off to our respective homes.

I have been stayin with Larry and Terri on top of the Mountain (6500ft) with great vistas all around. It was amazing coming home on Thursday evening with heavy snow and the car (truck) having some difficulty with the wet conditions - but Larry got us through. This was an Arizonan experience I didn't expect but it was beautiful to see.

Off to Lake Havasu today - beautiful morning and expected to be 94F down trhere. Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. Hi 9710 GSE,

    Richard here, I work with Kirsty. I note she's keeping a low profile on the Blog front... ! It's true that 'Blog' was a four letter word for Kirsty a few months ago, but I hope we see some more from her soon.

    Looks like you are having an extraordinary time, which you all deserve, but we would love to hear from Kirsty because.... we miss you!


