Saturday, April 17, 2010

On Easy Street

Another quick touching-base this evening, this one from Prescott (pron. PRES-ket) - and apologies for the fact our reporting is slightly disjointed. We cannot always each get to a computer AND when we do we are inclined to double up on our story-telling!

So, you're up to date with the Cabela's store, after which we met and dined with Glendale Rotary Club and Gordon Biersch - really good night, really long day.

Yesterday (Thursday 15th) we were honoured to visit Luke Air Force Base (and we have decided we now each need our own call-signs and that we should talk in acronyms more), after which we met and dined with the other Glendale Rotary Club at Knights of Columbus.

What I have been asked to tell you about, though, is our afternoon yesterday. We took a journey north-east from Phoenix through an area of incredible hillside homes and Rolls Royce Convertibles to a place called Carefree. And there, on Easy Street (just off Nonchalant Street) we found AZ Wine. Barbara (Kirsty's host) arranged for us to meet with her brother Richard who took time from his (really very busy) day in the store to introduce our eyes, noses and palates to some scrumptious local wines. (We also amused ourselves by wandering through his store exploring labels from all around the world, including of course Australia.)

Last night we each enjoyed our last evening with our Phoenix hosts and this morning we made for Prescott. Watch for more details and photos soon!

Over and out for tonight,

Ruf [toying with this one for my call-sign?]


  1. Hi Caroline
    Your on Easy Street!!!!!!
    Looks as if you are having a good time and GSE is working for you plus the ales and beers sound good
    Son Iain joins us in Riyadh later in the week on his way back to Oz providing Volcanic Ash allows him to leave London.

  2. Hello John, and how wonderful to get a message from you!!! I would never have heard of GSE if not for you - thank you!
