Wednesday, April 28, 2010

And the people will come......

Who would have thought a man could have so much vision to create a town forty odd years ago and get people to come because he wanted cheaper costs for his business...
Lake Havasu is just that town and yesterday..Monday I think...we started a very busy vocational day and learnt a lot about this place- that sort of just appears in the desert an hour and a half from Kingman.
Our morning began with breakfast in the company of District Governor Jeanie at International House of Pancakes (IHOP to the those in the know). This experience was to scar me for life as I think I was served the biggest waffle I had ever seen (Caroline made me do it) while Sally and Sarah attempted a mountain of pancakes that reached unknown heights hidden under fruit compotes. I am sure Peter was also set for the day. It was nice to meet with Jeanie (thank you YUM) and share a little of our journey so far. Neil our handler and Steve our trusty driver also partook in this memorable breakfast.
Steve then took us to the Chamber of Commerce where we met up with Arizona outbound team member 2009, Jenny Coke.It was great to touch base again and we were introduced to a dynamic team dedicated to making Lake Havasu a tourist and business development destination. We appreciated the time of Lisa (knew it all!), Doug (started only a few weeks ago and found time for us) and Garry (AKA James Bond)and I think we could have chatted all day!
Lunch was at a combined Rotary meeting of the three clubs in town (London Bridge, Sunrise and lake Havasu). We gave our presentation and enjoyed the views to the famous bridge that is a big water feature the anyones scale of things.
Off to the council and to Charlie Cassens acting CEO, who shared how the town with a population of 55,000 (to be confirmed in the census this year) runs and a little about it's management including the water issues . We then headed to the town museum and took in some history of the town with the London bridge purchased for just over 1.3 million and shipped to the states after being carefully dismantled and the pieces numbered...Yes they did know which bridge they were buying...Caroline purchased yet another cookbook in the gift shop and we all enjoyed the model displays, advertising and films(classic 1960s) to encourage people to move here as well as the fantastic Indian baskets.
A quiet walk under the bridge with a snow cone to cool us down completed our day in town.
We then headed up the hill to the edge of town limits and Deans beautiful home for drinks and a view of the lake second to none. Thanks Dean and please look after those hummingbird babies.
I returned home to my hosts, Gloria and Tom, for a lovely dinner and chat. I had hoped to hear more Cyotes (as I had the night before) but alas the evening was still and the moon full.
Lake Havasu has been a big surprise for me. I think it an amazing venture to bring people to a planned town and encourage them to stay and create a community where before there was nothing but desert. Google it and see for yourself. Perhaps the saying is true..Only in America!

1 comment:

  1. Kirsty,

    Thanks for getting in touch and sharing... can you get the recipe for the Monte Christo... so I can burn it!


