Friday, May 7, 2010

Back in the saddle again...come on you know the chorus

Wednesday dawned a beautiful clear morning and we spent some special time at the Hassyumpa Nature Preserve with John, a gentle cowboy who showed us the joys of this special river that flows mostly underground. The shade of the cotton wood trees and the hope of seeing javalina made this morning lovely and we all enjoyed just sitting, listening to the birds and enjoying the breeze. It was hot in the sun and we were once again reminded we had picked the best time of year to get up close and personal with Arizona.
Wickenburg Peter filled a begging half hour or so at an Antique store with metal animals of every shape and size in the car park. Inside we all found interesting things to look at. I am amazed that once an antique store gets to a certain size it is in my opinion- organised chaos. I loved it!
The highlight of the day was to come. A sumptuous buffet lunch with pie to die for (I did have some salad first girls) at the Rancho de los Caballeros. An historic guest ranch (Dude ranch they used to be called). Charming Rui showed us their fantastic accommodation while I grilled him on statistics and staffing. We then proceeded to meet our horses and ride through the desert with Ian our sequential cowboy (married to his horse and loving Arizona). The walk was very special we saw a jack rabbit and big sky I will remember always. My horse was Trinidad who knew where half way was as if by magic. Ian guided us expertly home with a story or two on the way. We alighted...gently and eased back into walking by strolling to a vantage point to watch the horses run to their evening pastures. Where was Tom Burlinson and our Man from Snowy river?. I didn't much care as Ian looked pretty good in the dust as the horses cantered by. It was the perfect scene to end our Caballerios experience.
After a shower to wash away the eau de horse, we ventured into the countryside to David and Kim's home and enjoyed great hospitality and some time with our hosts before packing up and saying goodbye to our Wickenburg friends.
I will always remember 'The soldiers of the desert' (credit to Cecelia for that lovely turn of phrase) the saguaros and the sunset of pink as we returned home that evening with Pa in the car.
This is the end of week four and as I sit with my new hosts, but old friends Craig (leader of the Arizona team 2009) and his beautiful wife Mary. I amazed at what we have achieved in our time here. Thank you Wickenburg and bring on our next Pheonix adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mum,
    I am very jealous and I hope you gave that horse a big pat at the end missing you for mothers day


